Brad Pitt movies are not always good, in fact they can be downright cheesy. I turned on the tv tonight and found a little gem he was in back in the day. Oh my god, horrible 80s horrow movie. Don't get me wrong I liked campy horror but this was bad. I guess at least he good to look at in it- but the acting- horrible.
Here is the synopsis from Wikipedia The plot revolves around the return of Brian Woods (Leitch), a "problem teen," to his high school. He has just been released from a mental hospital; he was committed after the suspicious death of his father, who crashed and died while driving a car with cut brakes. He falls in love with classmate Paula Carson (Jill Schoelen), but the local basketball star Dwight Ingalls (Brad Pitt) is already Paula's boyfriend. Meanwhile, the lecherous school principal also seeks unfortunate Paula's affections. Then horrible murders start happening, with no one certain of the identity of the culprit. The main suspects are Dwight, whose control of his anger has never been perfect, the mysterious Woods, who may not have been fully cured at the sanitarium, and the disgusting principal, who seems to stop at nothing in his attempts to bed Paula.
Mmmmm...Brad Pitt. Cheesy at that sounds, I would just watch it to see him. I just watched Benjamin Button. It was an "OK" movie, but I enjoyed watching him.